Heurist database builder for Humanities research (https://HeuristNetwork.org)
Databases and websites on this server (https://heuristref.net/heurist/)

This page is primarily for web indexing.
Many of these websites are just undeveloped stubs.
You will not be able to log into a database unless you have a password for it.

AdrianV_OAMA (database page)
https://heuristref.net/AdrianV_OAMA/web/3957 (alternative link)

aewingate_LorenzoCoroneu (database page)
https://heuristref.net/aewingate_LorenzoCoroneu/web/15910 (alternative link)
Database of 16th and 17th century books owned and sold in Navarre, Spain documented in inventories.

ahar_mesea (database page)
https://heuristref.net/ahar_mesea/web/33 (alternative link)

Alice_Roosevelt (database page)
https://heuristref.net/Alice_Roosevelt/web/92 (alternative link)

amanda_PKN (database page)
https://heuristref.net/amanda_PKN/web/1509 (alternative link)
Research infrastructures, resource collections, publishers, support organisations, research centres and funders

Artists_who_are_women (database page)
https://heuristref.net/Artists_who_are_women/web/118 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/Artists_who_are_women/web/157 (alternative link)
This is a comprehensive entry point allowing the user to find artists who are women, not only by name but by their era, nationality, practice, school and more. Currently it holds women who died prior to 1950, but will continue to expand.

behra_test2 (database page)
https://heuristref.net/behra_test2/web/8 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/behra_test2/web/16 (alternative link)

beste_Sawa (database page)
https://heuristref.net/beste_Sawa/web/2778 (alternative link)

Brandon_CSV_Export_Problems (database page)
https://heuristref.net/Brandon_CSV_Export_Problems/web/1464 (alternative link)
This is a test database - please do not use this for anything

brandon_import_testing (database page)
https://heuristref.net/brandon_import_testing/web/3778 (alternative link)

brandon_main_testing (database page)
https://heuristref.net/brandon_main_testing/web/26 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/brandon_main_testing/web/1064 (alternative link)
This database was created for the sole purpose of testing and development Heurist.

Brantford_Immigration (database page)
https://heuristref.net/Brantford_Immigration/web/1116 (alternative link)

catts_medieval_cookbook (database page)
https://heuristref.net/catts_medieval_cookbook/web/1061 (alternative link)

CBAP_Uncovering_Pacific_Pasts (database page)
https://heuristref.net/CBAP_Uncovering_Pacific_Pasts/web/1137 (alternative link)
Collective Biography of Archaeology in the Pacific: ARC Laureate project, Prof. Matthew Spriggs, Australian National University. A collection of a few hundred selected artefacts from approximately 50 museums to be displayed in a public exhibition website.

CCC_EichFireNewForm (database page)
https://heuristref.net/CCC_EichFireNewForm/web/1995 (alternative link)
Mediaeval persons and their connections, work of Abigail Firey & Melodie Eichbauer

civancov_prehistoric_indonesia (database page)
https://heuristref.net/civancov_prehistoric_indonesia/web/8 (alternative link)
A comprehensive mapping of prehistoric and megalithic sites in Indonesia, with bibliography and updated research

COAE_CommunityOrgEduc70_80s (database page)
https://heuristref.net/COAE_CommunityOrgEduc70_80s/web/43 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/COAE_CommunityOrgEduc70_80s/web/96 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/COAE_CommunityOrgEduc70_80s/web/828 (alternative link)
GAE Grassroots Activism and Education : 1970s and 1980s community organising and policy reform in Australia

Coleman_Netflix_Films (database page)
https://heuristref.net/Coleman_Netflix_Films/web/3281 (alternative link)
A database of Netflix Original films including classification of the differnet characters, themes and settings, as well as details of Director, actors and other participants, in terms of representations of world politics.

Egyptian_Crosses (database page)
https://heuristref.net/Egyptian_Crosses/web/883 (alternative link)

ekoch_Inventory_deBerlemont_ConversationBooks (database page)
https://heuristref.net/ekoch_Inventory_deBerlemont_ConversationBooks/web/337 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/ekoch_Inventory_deBerlemont_ConversationBooks/web/346 (alternative link)

FloraCultures (database page)
https://heuristref.net/FloraCultures/web/1747 (alternative link)

giamm_SISC_Napoli_est (database page)
https://heuristref.net/giamm_SISC_Napoli_est/web/39 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/giamm_SISC_Napoli_est/web/129 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/giamm_SISC_Napoli_est/web/508 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/giamm_SISC_Napoli_est/web/605 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/giamm_SISC_Napoli_est/web/616 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/giamm_SISC_Napoli_est/web/625 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/giamm_SISC_Napoli_est/web/636 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/giamm_SISC_Napoli_est/web/645 (alternative link)

Heurist_Help_System (database page)
https://heuristref.net/Heurist_Help_System/web/39 (alternative link)
This database stores the help system for Heurist. It documents the functionality of all Heurist's main features, and provides information about principles of database design, tips and tricks and other advanced content.

Heurist_Job_Tracker (database page)
https://heuristref.net/Heurist_Job_Tracker/web/64 (alternative link)

Heurist_Reference_Index (database page)
https://heuristref.net/Heurist_Reference_Index/web/1497 (alternative link)

hkats_victims_webtest2 (database page)
https://heuristref.net/hkats_victims_webtest2/web/2225 (alternative link)
This database is based on a collection of 303 case files of applicants for war benefits, pensions and allowances, originally belonging to the Greek Ministry of Finances> General Directorate of Public Accounts> Directorate of Pensions> Department of Pensions of Old War Victims> War Pensions of war victims 1912-1922. The case files consist of applications submitted to and processed by the regional authorities in Crete and are now in the possession of the Venizelos Foundation in Chania.

hkats_war_victim_pensions (database page)
https://heuristref.net/hkats_war_victim_pensions/web/2131 (alternative link)
This database is based on a collection of 303 case files of applicants for war benefits, pensions and allowances, originally belonging to the Greek Ministry of Finances> General Directorate of Public Accounts> Directorate of Pensions> Department of Pensions of Old War Victims> War Pensions of war victims 1912-1922. The case files consist of applications submitted to and processed by the regional authorities in Crete and are now in the possession of the Venizelos Foundation in Chania.

hugoa_ComunicacaocamarasdoBrasil (database page)
https://heuristref.net/hugoa_ComunicacaocamarasdoBrasil/web/4084 (alternative link)

johns_demo_for_help_file (database page)
https://heuristref.net/johns_demo_for_help_file/web/11 (alternative link)

johns_malewingedfigures (database page)
https://heuristref.net/johns_malewingedfigures/web/203 (alternative link)

johns_test_import (database page)
https://heuristref.net/johns_test_import/web/8 (alternative link)

johns_test_import_artem (database page)
https://heuristref.net/johns_test_import_artem/web/8 (alternative link)

johns_test_import_clone (database page)
https://heuristref.net/johns_test_import_clone/web/8 (alternative link)

johns_test_import_clone2 (database page)
https://heuristref.net/johns_test_import_clone2/web/8 (alternative link)

johns_test_website (database page)
https://heuristref.net/johns_test_website/web/9 (alternative link)

johns_tes_parra (database page)
https://heuristref.net/johns_tes_parra/web/68 (alternative link)
Database of Parramatta region home cooks and food stores Strand 1 of ARC Linkage project https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/ics/projects/the_collaborative_museum_embedding_cultural_infrastructure_in_the_city

kgard_medicostatisticalGR (database page)
https://heuristref.net/kgard_medicostatisticalGR/web/25398 (alternative link)
The Greek Medico-statistical tables of 1838-1841 reflect the physical and sanitary conditions in the newly established state of Greece. The tables include data on population, agriculture, schools, medical personnel, diseases and climate and were compiled by state-appointed physicians. The project aims to record, map and visualise the data and explore new ways of examining spatial information on the country's early days.

kgard_medicotest (database page)
https://heuristref.net/kgard_medicotest/web/25398 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/kgard_medicotest/web/25674 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/kgard_medicotest/web/25682 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/kgard_medicotest/web/25683 (alternative link)
The Greek Medico-statistical tables of 1838-1841 reflect the physical and sanitary conditions in the newly established state of Greece. The tables include data on population, agriculture, schools, medical personnel, diseases and climate and were compiled by state-appointed physicians. The project aims to record, map and visualise the data and explore new ways of examining spatial information on the country's early days.

kmek_NaturalHistorySEA (database page)
https://heuristref.net/kmek_NaturalHistorySEA/web/894 (alternative link)

Leipzig_Chinese_Engineers (database page)
https://heuristref.net/Leipzig_Chinese_Engineers/web/39 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/Leipzig_Chinese_Engineers/web/74442 (alternative link)
This project explores spatial formats of China through visions and plans of infrastructural interconnectivity. The period investigated spans the establishment of the first Ministry of Communications in 1906 to the onset of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937. Through an actor-centred analysis of the relevant ministries, polytechnic schools, and professional engineering associations, we demonstrate how different infrastructural visions of the nation state interact and constitute a fundamental dimension of territorializing space.

lucap_portugueseinquisition (database page)
https://heuristref.net/lucap_portugueseinquisition/web/33 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/lucap_portugueseinquisition/web/340 (alternative link)
Database che raccoglie informazioni sulle visite alle navi straniere dell'Inquisizione di Coimbra effettuate tra il 1714 e il 1732 al porto di Viana do Castelo

maggi_banni_Savigliano (database page)
https://heuristref.net/maggi_banni_Savigliano/web/576 (alternative link)

mapan_demand (database page)
https://heuristref.net/mapan_demand/web/1314 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/mapan_demand/web/1321 (alternative link)

marc_data (database page)
https://heuristref.net/marc_data/web/9 (alternative link)

marg_religious_spaces (database page)
https://heuristref.net/marg_religious_spaces/web/175 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/marg_religious_spaces/web/184 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/marg_religious_spaces/web/193 (alternative link)

marta_RPF (database page)
https://heuristref.net/marta_RPF/web/765 (alternative link)

mauch_japan_australia_collaboration (database page)
https://heuristref.net/mauch_japan_australia_collaboration/web/17 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/mauch_japan_australia_collaboration/web/257 (alternative link)
This project will provide a gateway for future investors in joint Australian-Japanese technological-industrial-scient ific-academic ventures, by creating a publicly available bilingual Japanese-English database of 2018-2019-2020 funding applications received by the Foundation for Australia-Japan Studies (https://www.fajs.org/). In Year One, the project will create a pilot database using approximately two dozen FAJS applications. Completion of this pilot database at the end of Year One will comprise an important project milestone. In Year Two, the project will expand the database to include a large number of the approximately 300 FAJS applications. On completion of the expanded database, the project will hold promotional events in Sydney and Tokyo. These will bring together potential funders from the financial sector as well as representatives from academia, industry, and governments.

Mikot_Australian_Subscription_Library (database page)
https://heuristref.net/Mikot_Australian_Subscription_Library/web/2896 (alternative link)
Members of the ASL

minw0_CRartworks (database page)
https://heuristref.net/minw0_CRartworks/web/22 (alternative link)

minw0_test (database page)
https://heuristref.net/minw0_test/web/319 (alternative link)

MPCE_archive (database page)
https://heuristref.net/MPCE_archive/web/117630 (alternative link)
Bibliometric data on C18 French book trade

MPCE_Mapping_Print_Charting_Enlightenment (database page)
https://heuristref.net/MPCE_Mapping_Print_Charting_Enlightenment/web/117630 (alternative link)
Bibliometric data on C18 French book trade

Naturalizations (database page)
https://heuristref.net/Naturalizations/web/96 (alternative link)

nuno_DiGloRio (database page)
https://heuristref.net/nuno_DiGloRio/web/21 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/nuno_DiGloRio/web/29 (alternative link)

oliviagao_malewingedfigures (database page)
https://heuristref.net/oliviagao_malewingedfigures/web/494 (alternative link)

pamelab_Teatro_Documental_Latinoamericano (database page)
https://heuristref.net/pamelab_Teatro_Documental_Latinoamericano/web/249 (alternative link)
El proyecto busca generar un mapa colaborativo de las prácticas teatrales documentales desarrolladas en los países de América Latina desde los sesenta hasta la actualidad.

parramatta_region_food_cultures (database page)
https://heuristref.net/parramatta_region_food_cultures/web/68 (alternative link)
Database of Parramatta region home cooks and food stores Strand 1 of ARC Linkage project https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/ics/projects/the_collaborative_museum_embedding_cultural_infrastructure_in_the_city

Periodeia_Canada_USA (database page)
https://heuristref.net/Periodeia_Canada_USA/web/111 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/Periodeia_Canada_USA/web/119 (alternative link)
Μια ΒΔ σχετικά με την περιοδεία του ΓΓ της ΚΕ του ΚΚΕ σε Καναδά και ΗΠΑ τον Απρίλη του 2024

piratencoun_encontrospiratas (database page)
https://heuristref.net/piratencoun_encontrospiratas/web/539 (alternative link)
Bibliografia sobre a predação marítima na era moderna

quele_TabNotSet (database page)
https://heuristref.net/quele_TabNotSet/web/1168 (alternative link)
O presente ambiente de pesquisa digital é um espaço de disponibilização de dados históricos provenientes dos registros notariais feitos pelos tabeliães públicos do termo de Mariana, Minas Gerais, ao longo do século XVIII. Trata-se de uma base de dados estruturada para divulgar informações essenciais dos tipos documentais presentes nos Livros Notariais, como também especialmente pensada para que pesquisadores interessados em grupos ou indivíduos não precisem consultar centenas de páginas nos livros de notas do século XVIII à procura de um nome. Ou seja, essa base de dados pretende auxiliar na identificação de fontes documentais (escrituras notariais) de modo mais prático e rápido que a busca de “uma agulha num palheiro”. De fundo cartorário, os livros notariais agregam uma gama diversificada de escrituras que abrangem desde compra e venda, procurações e alforrias até registros que contêm particularidades íntimas, como cartas trasladadas.

Rebekah_ARBookReviews (database page)
https://heuristref.net/Rebekah_ARBookReviews/web/180014 (alternative link)

sandbach_creative_west (database page)
https://heuristref.net/sandbach_creative_west/web/969 (alternative link)
An array of maps about Western Sydney have been circulated on the internet in recent years—as social media memes, data visualisations or illustrations accompanying news stories—that reinforce our region’s perceived geographic, social, and economic distance from the rest of Sydney. In response to this, Creative West presents a different view of Western Sydney that includes an interactive map of local creative businesses and organisations, and a curated snapshot of what’s currently happening in the cultural space. It aims to contribute to ongoing conversations about culture in the west, particularly the impact, capacity, and potential of our localised creatives in the context of the unprecedented urban growth and development occurring in Western Sydney.

santa_MappingSuffrage (database page)
https://heuristref.net/santa_MappingSuffrage/web/6037 (alternative link)

sebbc_doublage (database page)
https://heuristref.net/sebbc_doublage/web/136 (alternative link)

tg_auctions (database page)
https://heuristref.net/tg_auctions/web/117 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/tg_auctions/web/501 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/tg_auctions/web/519 (alternative link)

The_Getting_Of_Data_PhD_1970 (database page)
https://heuristref.net/The_Getting_Of_Data_PhD_1970/web/746 (alternative link)

thiag_thiagoalvarenga (database page)
https://heuristref.net/thiag_thiagoalvarenga/web/1113 (alternative link)
Banco de dados sobre revoltas coloniais da América Portuguesa

TLCMap_Clearinghouse (database page)
https://heuristref.net/TLCMap_Clearinghouse/web/55 (alternative link)
Time Layered Cultural Map of Australia (TLCMap) datasets metadata clearinghouse

transara_sakralraumtransformation (database page)
https://heuristref.net/transara_sakralraumtransformation/web/1 (alternative link)

Turnstone_ArchaeologyDatabase (database page)
https://heuristref.net/Turnstone_ArchaeologyDatabase/web/5883 (alternative link)

Turnstone_ArchaeologyDatabase2 (database page)
https://heuristref.net/Turnstone_ArchaeologyDatabase2/web/4435 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/Turnstone_ArchaeologyDatabase2/web/4722 (alternative link)

uff_ppgh (database page)
https://heuristref.net/uff_ppgh/web/12227 (alternative link)

UniSA_TaLKRS (database page)
https://heuristref.net/UniSA_TaLKRS/web/463 (alternative link)
This database has been created to share resources on Teaching and Learning, among staff in the Teaching Innovation Unit at UniSA.

vqusa_test3 (database page)
https://heuristref.net/vqusa_test3/web/8 (alternative link)

Waterloo_Cross_Dressing_Archive (database page)
https://heuristref.net/Waterloo_Cross_Dressing_Archive/web/961 (alternative link)
An analytic presentation of records of cross-dressing as found in the Times of London and other periodical records from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Waterloo_XD_Times_beta (database page)
https://heuristref.net/Waterloo_XD_Times_beta/web/961 (alternative link)
An analytic presentation of records of cross-dressing as found in the Times of London for the years 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1833.

wayarti_general (database page)
https://heuristref.net/wayarti_general/web/34876 (alternative link)

wayarti_original (database page)
https://heuristref.net/wayarti_original/web/13760 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/wayarti_original/web/13799 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/wayarti_original/web/34876 (alternative link)

WSU_China_Australia_Heritage_Corridor (database page)
https://heuristref.net/WSU_China_Australia_Heritage_Corridor/web/1551 (alternative link)
https://heuristref.net/WSU_China_Australia_Heritage_Corridor/web/1667 (alternative link)
A database of information about migration and connections between China and Australia, including interviews, heritage sites notably around Zhongshang, and flows of people and support between the two countries. Developed for a research project at the Institute for Culture and Society at Western Sydney University led by Denis Byrne and Ien Ang.